Your child will...
And Evolve.
Our Programs will too.
Youth Education Programs
ST RS to Stage is...
A chance for every child, regardless of experience, across Greater Boston to explore the world of theater and the performing arts. Our faculty will help your star gain confidence, learn the power of teamwork, and enhance their skills in self-expression. Each program culminates into a theater performance or class showcase for the community to enjoy!
​Stars to Stage is on a mission to prepare your child for the big world, in or outside of the performing arts, with each Star Stage designed for real-life successes.
Tuition Assistance
We believe the arts are for all.
BAC awards tuition assistance to students/families based on several factors including household income, size, and circumstances.
- This application is open to all
- Applications remain confidential
- Submissions are reviewed by a committee and never determined by one individual
The WP-Spirit Scholarship
Open to all students in Grades 2nd-5th attending the Warren-Prescott School.
The JQES Global Scholarship
Open to all students in Grades 2nd-5th attending Josiah Quincy Elementary School.